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Square Shader (Tinting) #12


SKU: JT12 Category:


JOSEPHINE Square Shader Brush #12 with Metal Ferrule from Germany.

These Artist Brushes are made totally with the Artist in mind. The Metal Ferrule Square Shaders have sharp, straight edges and corners to give you that distinct stroke you are looking for. Made of the best quality KAZAN Squirrel Hair, the brushes condition easily to keep and hold their shape – and to let the oil flow evenly from the brush to your paint.

Wonderful for painting and for blending – GREAT Background brushes too!

Size #12: 7/16″ Wide x 1/2″ Long. If Brush is defective, report to us and return it for the same Brush; otherwise Brushes are non-returnable.

BRUSH CARE: Please see JTSet for complete Brush Care instructions.

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