We ship to most countries, excluding those listed in the OFAC sanctioned countries list.

Orders are usually processed within 2-3 business days, starting from the following day after the order was placed. If for some reason processing times are longer than usual, we will notify you via email. Please note, we ship Monday through Friday 9-5 EST. This excludes weekends and major holidays.

You will automatically know when your Order has been placed. You will receive a confirmation Email showing your Order total and order number. If you do not receive this email, the Order DID NOT come through to us. Please resend or contact us at: contact@dbaoriginals.com

Continental USA shipping

We offer three different shipping services with varying costs. You can check the table below with specifications for each service. Please note we are not responsible for delays.

USPS Ground Transportation7 to 9 Days
USPS Priority Mail4 to 6 Days
USPS Priority Express2/3 Days Guaranteed

Orders under $40.00 in the US are subject to a Minimum Order extra $5.00 shipping cost for handling.

Outside continental USA and International Shipping 

We use a tracked shipping service. International shipping does vary in time depending on exact location. Please note, this does not include any delays experienced at customs. Express shipping times will vary.

We offer three different shipping services with varying costs. You can check the table below with specifications for each service.

USPS First ClassUS Mail Company20 to 35 daysNoNoNoPaid by customer when the order arrives your country
USPS Priority MailUS Mail Company10 to 20 daysYesYesNoPaid by customer when the order arrives your country
DHL/FedexPrivate Courier5 to 10 daysYesYesYesPaid by customer when the order arrives your country

DBA Originals is not responsible for customs, taxes, duties and tariffs. These charges are set by your country ā€“ we are not able to influence or control the rate at which you are charged. We suggest you contact your countryā€™s customs office if you are concerned about the charges that may occur. Again, DBA Originals does not set these rates, nor do we have control over them.

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